
Dynamic Test Taking Techniques Interactive Reasoning Game


This interactive ‘reasoning game’ provides an overview of key principles associated with psychometric testing relating to verbal reasoning, identifying homogenous groups (things with similar characteristics), drawing logical conclusions from given information & vocabulary enrichment.


By applying the principles outlined in the examples to other abstract problems the candidate should more readily identify rules and relationships.

Our aim is to facilitate the following learning outcomes:

  • Identify individual elements within a group of elements;
  • Identify a rule  connecting a conclusion from deductive reasoning that is 100% correct, drawing logical conclusions from given information
  • Identify relationships between words or phrases that share a common (homogenous) characteristic; (verbal reasoning)
  • Apply techniques aimed at increasing the speed at which logical rules are generated  (the faster a person generates solutions, the higher the probability of a higher score in a ‘norms’ test.  That is, identifying the optimum performers from the lowest performers in the test.—in a given period of time);
  • Increase the number of elements a person can keep track of in responding to an item (span capacity). Someone with a larger span capacity than someone
    else can take into account more elements, without making errors and hence has a larger probability of a correct answer.
  • Identify your vocabulary strength in determining meanings of words and synonyms and antonyms. (A common focus in psychometric testing)



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