Corona Virus (COVID19) Impact on security training in Western Australia
ASQA – (Australian Skills Quality Authority)
Message from Chief Commissioner and CEO, Saxon Rice, regarding the Coronavirus outbreak.
“ASQA understands the challenge that the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak poses for VET and ELICOS providers, their staff and students. We are working with other Australian Government departments to share updated information for providers and students. We also encourage any provider impacted by this health issue to contact us so that we can work to provide any additional support required.
We encourage providers to consider flexible arrangements for students who have been directly impacted by travel restrictions or isolation periods. Examples include flexible course delivery, such as through online delivery of courses or additional sessions to make up for days missed by students who are prevented from attending classes in Australia.
Providers may also need to adopt a flexible approach to student attendance. Directly affected students may need to exclude themselves from their place of study for a period. A period of isolation like this may be considered as consistent with a period of illness with respect to student attendance under Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 requirements.
ASQA acknowledges that due to circumstances surrounding COVID-19, providers may not be in a position to fully comply with the requirements of Standards under the National Code 2018.
Providers should document all flexible arrangements made on a student-by-student basis. This is particularly important for arrangements that would usually be considered non-compliant with the ESOS Act.
ASQA acknowledges the current challenges take many forms for different providers and will work with providers on a case-by-case basis to minimise the impact this situation has on both providers and those students affected by travel restrictions or isolation periods.”
Paragon Corporate Training’s Corona Virus
(COVID19) response, for the immediate future.
A message from the CEO – Paragon Corporate Training
Firstly, the world is not ending.
Secondly, Don’t panic! Take a few deep breathes and ask yourself if you can get something positive out of this maelstrom of uncertainty and confusion?
Finally, act on your decision and take advantage of the situation.
Craig MacKellar BA – Vocational Education & Training
CEO – Paragon Corporate Training
“From Crisis, comes opportunity! “
John F. Kennedy – 35th President of the United States
Look at these great opportunities.
- Significantly discounted prices to students, in what may be a hard time of financial difficulty and uncertainty;
- Flexible and open learning arrangements to complete qualifications;
- Payment plans to suit your needs;
- Face-to-face components of training such as role-plays and direct observation requirements, can be taken 1-on-1 with your instructor, at a
time convenient to you. This is flexibility! - All recommended safety and mitigation strategies for COVID19, provided by the WA Health Department and the Department of Education, have been
implemented into Paragon’s operational procedures for dealing with this current crisis. - WA’s longest serving provider of security, investigations and risk management training for over 20 years.
- We must be doing something right, yeah??
Why not ‘Seize the opportunity’ for, never to be repeated fees, to gain VET qualifications, at a greatly reduced price?
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For urgent enquiries please phone 08 9227 5125 or 041 718 6380